February 20, 2014

How Willow the Westie came into My Life

Yes, I have always been a dog-person. Ever since I can remember I have loved dogs, wanted one or many dogs, I even used to read dog encyclopedias as a child! Yes, I was that kid.

I do love all animals and have had many, many different types of pets & animals under my care - from cows to horses to turtles to gerbils and hamsters, salamanders to garter snakes and canaries and budgies, endless amounts of fish, cats and of course dogs. Yet, dogs are and always will be, my favourite companions.

On our farm in Alberta I barely remember a puppy named Lucky. We only had her a short time before either she ran away, or (as we think more likely) she was snatched up from the end of our driveway.

My parents then got me a little black lab-cross pup I named Buffy. Though I was still quite young, I loved that dog until we had to move a while later and send her to a new home.

Years passed and many pets passed through my care until finally one Christmas my parents surprised me and my family with a cute little puppy tied with a red bow right on Christmas morning!

That was my beloved Sophie. A true and lovely scruffy terrier who lit up my life for almost 15 years. She literally grew up with me and even gave us the joy (and craziness) of having a litter of  'whoopsie' puppies. The hardest thing I have ever had to do was decide to let her rest from her aging pains.

I lasted for three months before I began looking for a new dog to enter my world.

I had settled on a Westie (Sophie was half Westie), or West Highland White Terrier, one of my favourite breeds and the search began. I visited breeders and searched around until I finally brought my Willow home!

She is just over 4 years old now and starting to settle down...finally! She was an ankle-biter, is a bed-hog, snores, likes to play keep-away and chase almost anything. She guards my backyard with the watchful eye of a Serengeti Lion and she tolerates kids and babies of any age after growing up alongside some of my nephews. She is my pal, my walking partner, my bright-eyed and waggy-tail friend to come home to.

She's my Willow the Westie.        (Here's a glace at all the fun I've had with her so far.)

First Day, on the way home.
Lovely warm fireplace!
She always found odd places to nap.
Claiming my Dad's chair!
Lovely walks.
Her all-time favourite beach!
She LOVES the snow!
Willow and her pal, Buddy
Goes crazy for the hose!
Sneaking a drink from the pool.
Funny sleep positions.
Loves kids.
Swimming is another favourite!
Adores rolling in the grass!
Sleepover pal, Dexter.
She's learned how to strike a pose.
Loves watching/chasing birds.
Merry Christmas 2013

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