August 8, 2014

My Confidence Bucket List

This month, a blogger I enjoy reading ( has set out some writing prompts for us fellow bloggers or writers to share our real-life stories. The theme for August is: Body Image, with 31 different topics to write about.

Here's My Body Image Topic for today:

#12 - The Confidence Bucket List: 10 things you one day hope to have the confidence to do.

1. Sky Diving! I am sort of afraid of heights (and death!), but I have always wanted to try sky diving...the adrenaline, the conquering of fear, the rush!!!

2. Travel to Europe, especially Ireland & Scotland - This may not seem like a big deal to many, but I have never travelled overseas and whether on my own or with someone, it would be a big deal to me!

3. Be able to easily talk to men about relationship issues...I've always been such a chicken, not liking confrontation at all! I'm working on it and hopefully in the future will do better. (examples here)

4. Get a tattoo! Yes, I said it, don't bash or hate me if you're ultra conservative. I'm not waiting something huge just a little something for myself. I've wanted to get one for years, but never built up the courage to just do it! (And I may never decide to go through with it, so stop fretting...Mom!)

5. Ask a guy out on a date. An official, absolute, honest-to-goodness date. Not a "hang out" or coffee, but a date. I'm gaining confidence but I'm not THAT confident...yet.

6. Run in some sort of 5 or 10 K. I am working on leading a healthier lifestyle (read about it here) and that has resulted in losing some weight, toning up and feeling better about myself. Better about being healthy. I need to start being more disciplined about running and build up to a longer event soon!

7. Share my own story about being teased all throughout school...I may share it here soon. But not yet. Sometimes it still feels like yesterday.

8. Somehow be "ON Camera". I've always lived and worked behind the scenes or behind the camera...maybe one day soon I'll feel confident enough to let someone else take photos or video of me without me editing or deleting it right away.

9. Finish the book I started over 5 years ago! It's still there...mulling around and living in my brain. Someday it'll all come tumbling out.

10. Dress up for a ComicCon - yep, I'm a geek/nerd girl and proud of it! I've dressed up for many parties, a medieval wedding, a local outdoor festival, but one day I'd LOVE to have an awesome costume for a big Convention like ComicCon or DragonCon or Fan Expo in Vancouver. Someday! a costume...for the Luminara Festival that is no more. 

What are some of your Confidence Bucket List Items? 

Leave a comment and I'll comment back or comment on your blog in return. :) 

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