Oh what busy weeks these last few have been.
Where to start, where to begin?
Well, after sweet little Hunter was born the next Sunday was his dedication along with his cute little cousin Sienna. I had been asked to video the event and you can see the lovely moment on Hunter's parent's blog here.
Then the next week was busy for me at work. I was getting ready to head off with the Youth group to Youth Convention, or as they call it now - HistoryMaker, 2007 held in the new location of Chilliwack.
Again I was having trouble sleeping with a lot on my mind...what to pack, what to bring, what not to forget...I ended up staying up until about 3:30 am on the Friday night before we left with my mind racing about the weekend.
The morning arrived, and after a couple hours of sleep I headed to the church for the pancake breakfast (but did not partake as I was not hungry for a heavy breakfast!). I was asked to go for the weekend to video the event and our youth in order to make a video to watch after.
I don't know about you, but I absolutely love road trips! I was so very ready to go on one, even if it was on a school bus with 60 teens and only to Chilliwack, the smelliest town this side of the Rockies. :)
Road trips for me are an escape from the mundane, a time to see new things, to get out, to let someone else take you somewhere different from your everyday life. Of course, I packed my trusty mp3 player in case conversation or noise rose above my threshold of tolerance and filled it with all my favourites like Snow Patrol, Avril, OLP, Garden State OST, as well as some fun extras like Dane Cook's comedy.
The trip went by all too quickly and soon we were navigating (quite haphazardly) around Abbotsford and Chilliwack to find the arena and our hotel. We had to wait to check in so we headed next door to Castle Fun Park, a veritable cornucopia of Chucky Cheese-type arcade games and activities, such as batting cages, mini golf, bumper cars (SO FUN!) and go karts. Though the place was smoking hot and smelled of sticky children, we had fun winning tickets and prizes and going on the inner-tube bumper cars and wearing hairnets on the go karts......don't ask......
The hotel (Ramada in Abbotsford) was lovely, and the area for the conference was large enough and our seats were great. The first worship band was Leeland, a young up and comer in the Christian band biz with a unique lead vocal with a Coldplay/U2/alternative type sound. Very God-focused and great to worship with. The speaker that night was David Nasser who amused and challenged us.
Once back at the hotel I took a jaunt with some of the youth and leaders down the road to whatever was left open that late for a snack. We ended up bombarding a small Panago Pizza and got a few yummy late night eats.
The next day we heard Desperation Band, more from David Nasser and enjoyed an afternoon in the park...int he rain.....well some of us did. Others of us maybe stayed at the hotel and enjoyed a quiet afternoon...um, maybe...yeah.
I did enjoy a small dance party with some fun females which included jumping on beds, iPod music and waiting for-ev-er for our dinner pizza......fun times!!
The evening service on Sunday brought us the star studded, concert-like worship from Starfire...I mean Starfield and a surprisingly funny and talented speaker - Reggie Dabs. A big black guy from the south, Reggie taught us some new slang ("Love the black man!", "A'ight!", "Awwww, yeah!" and "My G-O-D....is B-I-G!!") and played his saxophone for us. Weird, yes, but fun and unexpected which, I think, caught everyone's attention and captivated us through his stories to hear life-changing messages brought to us through Reggie direct from our G-O-D. I know it was an awesome night for many. I was particularly touched by the way Reggie had the Youth Pastors and their spouses surround the alter and the back for when youth and adults alike came forward to meet with God over serious issues. Many heard the truth about how God can release us from things that hold us in bondage and away from Christ. Even I had a wonderful and heart-wrenching 'God moment' and dealt with some things I needed to let go and to hear from God. Twas a good night.
I had an earlier night after patrolling the halls a bit to keep the noise down amid complaints from the floors below...heh.
Then at the final service on Monday morning, Reggie had us up on our feet rapping along with the other 3500 people in the arena. Me! Rapping! Wow!
We had a good end of the service as we got together as a youth group in a large circle and Andy led us in taking Communion together. I know many of our own youth still don't realize the seriousness of the communion symbol, or even realize what Christ actually did for them, but I was just glad some of them were there and able to see by their leader's examples what a positive impact God can have on their life.
The ride home was, in a word, short for me. Angus, who was driving his van full of all our luggage, drove me to Langley to my brother-in-law's music Store (www.act1music.com) where my sister was picking me up for 2.5 days of relaxing fun with her.
We hung out, watched a movie or two, went to Ikea twice (looove the bargain bins!!!!) and looked around at a few other neat stores. I found a sectional couch I want, actually I found two, but for now they are really out of my price range. "A girl can dream, can't she?" (-old funny family saying.)
Anyway, Angie came with me back over to Victoria, our ferry was uber late getting home since the 'ramps had malfunctioned' or something. And work for the last two days of the week was super busy as I tied to catch up on a few things my days off had me postpone.
Then Saturday I had an eye exam to update my prescription. Isn't that the creepiest thing to do? Sit in a dark room with some weird contraption against your face with some strange man right in front of you!?! Crazy! But my new eye guy was really nice and my eyes are apparently "a really good-looking set".
After the exam, I applied a bit of eye makeup (by the way, I LOVE my new MAC liquid eye liner!!! I'm afraid that I am hooked!), and had a lovely girl's only lunch with Angie and Mom at Mattick's Farm at Adrienne's Tea Garden. (just a tip, if you want their chocolate mousse for dessert, make sure they set aside some right away or else often they are out by the end of the lunch hour rush! Sooo goood!) Oh and the little shops are so lovely out there...so many cook cards and gifty things!
Anyway, my days have been busy but I am carrying on.
I hope you all out there are doing well and looking forward to many sunny days this season. I know I am!
May 27, 2007
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wow it sounds like you had a busy but fun filled time. I am glad that you had some holy moments with God. Its good that you and your mom and sister had a good time relaxing together too! can't wait to see your purchases from ikea!
Sounds like you had a blast at History Maker and I felt like I was there by reading your descriptions. Yes, eye exams are never fun at all, and they flash those lenses by so quickly saying this or this and you have no idea what to pick.
Mattick's Farm is great and a fun place to go. I too love Mac makeup and there products are great.
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