June 8, 2015

WestJet is the BestJet!

Okay, so I'm not quite at my desired destination yet (IRELAND!!) but I had to fill you in on the almost panick-inducing goings on so far and the good that has come of it all.

I had three separate flight legs today and as soon as I finished the first leg, entered the airport, turned my phone back on I received an unsettling email. My last leg flight was totally cancelled! That's right, not just sort of cancelled but gone, kaput, no longer an option!
And, to top that off, the new flight the airline sent me had an overnight delay so I wouldn't get to my destination until a whole DAY LATER and I'd MISS my first scheduled rail tour! 
I stayed the panick and quickly went to to WestJet care desk where they found me and my flights and assured me they had already "built" a new leg so I would be at my destination only an hour later than expected. 

I then proceeded to enjoy my second flight, and lots of "Boarder Security" episodes later arrived at airport number three. 
Here I quickly checked with the WJ desk again to confirm my details and get a new boarding pass. The new leg was now a direct flight, meaning I'd get there faster, however the flight has been delayed for a few hours. 
While I waited, I was feeling a bit of the growlies coming on and just then they announced that my next plane wouldn't be stocked with food so come on up and collect a $15 meal voucher for a bite to eat before boarding! Wow and yay! 
I happily collected my meal ticket, grabbed a few munchables from the nearby Timmy's (with a few dollars left over for the fellow in line behind me). 
This whole day could have been stressful but at every turn, WestJet and all it's employees have been kind, helpful, generous and attentive. 

Thanks WestJet!!! 

Now I'm off to IRELAND!!! 

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