June 7, 2015

A Dream Come True!

Here I am, back from the non-blogging abyss of real life busyness and lack of motivation.

I've been meaning to write. Trying to write.

But for one reason or another I never make it here by the day's late end.

I do have LOTS to write about but today is a special day, so I made special time to write about it.

Today is the day before one of my  dreams comes true!

Tomorrow I hop on a plane, well, several planes over the course of almost 24 hours, but who cares, because tomorrow I am flying overseas to visit some of my most dreamed about places!!!

Yes, for those who know me, that's right, I am going to Ireland, Scotland and England!!!

Since I can remember I've been in love with Irish/Scottish movies (War of the Buttons, The Secret of Roan Innish, Dear Frankie, Braveheart...just to name a few), I can hold my own with most British accents, and I love the rich history in England & all of the UK!

And tomorrow my dreams of walking along the wind-swept, rugged Irish coastline and traveling through the beautiful Scottish mountains and lochs and exploring London's amazing history are finally going to come true!

I had been talking about planning this kind of trip for a few years now and finally I made the decision to book the time off work, book some flights and just go. Do it! Life is short. I don't ever want to regret not giving this trip a chance.

I will be writing blog posts and adding photos to my Instagram account (@kirs10black) over the next few weeks, so keep checking back and let me know if you have any favourite places I should visit.

Goodness! It's finally sinking in as I finish packing my sturdy carry-on (3 weeks with just a small carry-on suitcase can't be that bad, can it?) that this time on Tuesday I will be on the Irish coast!!!

Wish me luck!

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

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